
Take an episode or event from any other Star Trek show and make it into a Voyager story. The episode or event doesn´t have to have a romantic theme one but the focus of your story has to be J/C.

Entries: November 10 - January 6
Voting: January 7 - Febuary 22
Results: Febuary 23

In the Hands of the Spirits
By Anne T.M.
Rating: G-PG
Summary: This story was written for the contest "Crossover." The idea was to take a story from another series and include Voyager characters. I chose to write a story centered on a TNG episode called "Journey´s End." This is the episode where Picard travels to Dorvan V and tries to convince the settlers to relocate

Second Place
Memento Mihi
By Caffey
Rating: G-PG
Summary: When the crew starts disappearing one by one, it's up to Chakotay to figure out what's going on.

Third Place
Music to His Ears
By Dakota
Rating: PG-13 Summary: The Delta Flyer is trapped and Voyager must risk being ensnared by an alien web to bring the Flyer home.

Every Tom, Doc and Harry
By Kim
Rating: G-PG
Summary = Tom Paris decides that robots will solve all his problems. Or will they?

First Place
Heroes and Demons
Summary: The story idea vaguely belongs to the writers of the TNG episode Justice, in which Wesley Crusher is sentenced to death for violating a planet's laws.

The Power of One
By Sally M
Rating: G-PG Summary: One ship, one crew, one omnipotent being, and one first officer with a problem on his hands

Devil in the Dark
By Spiletta42
Rating: PG-13 Summary: The crew of Voyager investigates unusual deaths at an alien mining

Voting has ended. Results will be posted shortly.

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